CareFlite – Air / CareFlite – Ground
3110 S. Great Southwest Parkway
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
(972) 339-4200
Cook Children’s Teddy Bear Transport
124 Texas Way
Fort Worth, TX 76106
(800) 543-4878
Trans-Care Medical Transport
Kennedale, TX
(817) 966-3748
Elite Medical Services
Arlington, TX
(682) 558-7997
Ambulance and Standby Medical Services Permitting Process
The Uniform EMS Ordinance and the corresponding Restated Interlocal Cooperative Agreement adopted by its Member Cities reaffirmed that the Metropolitan Area EMS Authority (MAEMSA) is charged with regulating the transportation of patients by ambulance, specialized mobile intensive care units, specialty care transport vehicles, and by aero-medical fixed wing and rotary aircraft. No person or entity may provide these services without a permit from MAEMSA. This requirement extends to all medical transports originating in the MAEMSA member cities (the “Service Area”).
MAEMSA is also charged with overseeing the provision of special event standby medical services in the Service Area. Any entity providing ambulance standby must have a permit from MAEMSA. Any person providing Pre-hospital care as an ECA, EMT, Paramedic, or emergency ambulance dispatcher within the Service Area must be credentialed by MAEMSA’s Office of the Medical Director.
In order to facilitate implementation of these provisions of the Interlocal Agreement and Uniform EMS Ordinance, the MAEMSA has developed an agency permitting process for any agency or persons wishing to provide special event medical services, ambulance, specialized mobile intensive care units, specialty care transport vehicles, and aero-medical fixed wing and rotary aircraft operating within the MAEMSA service area.
The attached documents and on-line applications will guide agencies and personnel wishing to provide either ground or aeromedical ambulance services, or EMS medical standby services in the MAEMSA Service Area.
We are happy to assist you with process, please submit a contact form and choose “Ambulance Standby Services” as the “Topic” dropdown here
Forms and Guides:
– MAEMSA Permitting and Credentialing Guide
– Agency Application Form
– Individual Application Form
– Special Event Plan Form
– MAEMSA Permit Multi-Personnel Roster
– EMS Standby Permit Plan
– Executed Member City Interlocal Agreement and Uniform EMS Ordinance Promulgated in Each Member City