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MedStar EMS System Modifying Patient Referral Procedures

Move aims to navigate patients to the most appropriate resources for their medical care

MedStar and the EMS agencies within the Metropolitan Area EMS Authority system are modifying on-scene procedures for patients assessed with low-acuity medical complaints who are identified as potentially COVID-19 related.

Patients will receive a full assessment by on scene by EMS personnel.  If the patient has signs and symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19, but does not have any priority conditions or significant risk factors, the patient will be informed that they do not require ambulance transportation to and Emergency Department.

The patient will be instructed to contact their primary care provider, and provided with information on home care and self-monitoring instructions. Further, the patient will be given information on how to undergo further evaluation and testing, as indicated, for COVID-19 through the community health system processes available.

Click here for an electronic copy of the home care instructions brochure in English.

Click here for an electronic copy of the home care instructions brochure in Spanish.

These modifications are being implemented for the following reasons:

  1. Assure patients receive the proper care, in the most appropriate setting.
  2. Reduce the risk of patients being exposed to contagious illnesses.
  3. Help assure essential hospital services are available for critical patients.